Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ahhh Nathanukah

Ah, Nathanukah.
It hearkens me back to many many adventures in debauchery that my dear friend Nathan and i have partaken in.
The brunch parties that started as your typical "hair o the dog" drinks with omelettes that turned into day long hootenannies, sometimes resulting in calling out of work the next day.
The cocktail parties where we all put on our favorite thrift store suits and acted classy. Long before we actually were.
Epic bocce tournaments that lasted long after the sun went down and well beyond standard bocce regulation, well into the depths of poor judgement and total disregard for personal safety.
Sooo, the fact that i will not be able to join in the Nathanukah celebration is bittersweet. I will not be able to enjoy the festivities, but on the other side of the coin- there is no way i will have my values compromised or have to see Nathan naked.....again.

Happy birthday, buddy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings Brother Tim,

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